Product Design & CX
Brief perspectives regarding recent design challenges or published article trends
This is a collection of ten-ish minute reads on current trends and articles posted. Feel free to post your thoughts for our community to have shared thoughts.
Please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors as this blog a side passion of developing ideas.
Law 25: Evolve Your Design Through Adaptive Leadership
Form new identities by being a master of your image through creative and business presentation skills. Be a risk identifier. Be a creative force. Show you are a team collaborator. Do not isolate yourself to one role within your workplace. Take responsibility for your design goals with opportunities to show different ways you solve problems. Be willing to pivot with your business especially when it serves you and your team. Become larger than life by creating memorable presentations and narratives in meetings with bold or deep problem-solving solutions.
Law 4: Verbalize less, craft designs that speak for you.
It is important as design leaders to be concise in our communication, focusing on clarity and impact. Avoid overwhelming stakeholders with unnecessary details by minimizing elaborate discussions that create confusion. Create pockets of mystery that convey you have valuable knowledge.
Law 6: Court the Essence of Design’s Value
Never be reserved with your designs and presentations - stand out. Become a magnate for attention for you and your team as the present designs. As design leaders, we are constantly being evaluated on our value. Generative AI has recently put this further into question. We must create an unforgettable image as leaders. It's better to be in the thick of an active boardroom discussion than on the outside without a voice.
Law 9: Win through design, never through debate.
To quote the lyrics of the band Rush, "Show, don't tell." Arguments can often stem from verbal discussions where people don’t realize they are articulating different views on a problem or solution. To avoid unnecessary spin in design presentations, craft real customer challenges with visuals and metrics and a solution flow with multiple considerations evaluated and eliminated, it is easier to align teams together on an outcome.
Law 8: Encourage Design Intrigue to enter your design space
Stimulate stakeholder intrigue with fostered participation in design sessions and workshops. As a seasoned fly-fisherman fisherman, I learned a well-placed bait lures fish. Place thoughtfully presented design challenges and opportunities to captivate the imagination of your broader team members, enticing them to eagerly participate in the creative journey.